Whoever said it was a white sale?
Whatever it is, there are bargains all over, yet again. I found this burgundy bath mat (colors may appear pinker on screen) at Target for $17. Normally that's WAAAY more than I'd spend, but it was on clearance, I think it's just the right color, and it's one of those double-thickness luxury spa bathmats. I'm looking forward to plopping my wet feet on it soon!
(Update: UGH! SO much pinker on the monitor; such a lovely rich DARK burgundy in real life...)
The other rug is a 6 foot runner that I plan to use in the kitchen in front of the sink. It was on clearance for $10 at Bed Bath and Beyond, and I think it'll add a nice splash of red to the house-- we have so much yellow and green that we really need some balance.
I also found a burr grinder at Wal-Mart (who I hate, but which I occasionally can't avoid) for $13. If I'm going to get an espresso machine, that'll be a necessity. But with my luck, I'll never get around to buying an espresso machine and the grinder will just mock me from the countertops. So I declined.
And Adam and I narrowed our sleep choices down to two Denver mattresses that WE LOVE. Now, granted, we haven't actually bought them yet or slept in one. But the sales people were great-- knowledgeable with no pressure whatsoever. The prices were unbeatable, and frankly anything is better for my back than what we have. I just can't do a firm mattress, I guess.
The worst anxiety dream I ever had involved getting a Sleep Number bed and being unable to get the right number-- I tossed and turned all night. The best from the 3 or so anxiety dreams this week involved random neighbors showing up with a giant reciprocating saw-- a 10-foot blade-- and cutting our fence down to nubbins, claiming it belonged to them. They even cut down the length and gate that we built.
See? I need a new mattress!
Ok. It's back to packing-- our poor dining room has turned into Box Central. In the process, though, I was reminded of how much I like our dining room table-- it's been covered with so much shit the last few months.
T-minus 11 days to move.
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