Mom did a little cleaning the other day and came across the wallpaper border I had picked out for my room when I was 10. It never made its way to the wall. I took it home with me. Maybe I'll stick it in the box of ReStore items. Some little girl getting in touch with her floral side for the first time should have this. I lost contact with the Laura Ashley in me long ago. Honestly, I kind of hope she lost my number.
So as you see, we are finally in the throes of packing for real. Notice has been given. Boxes have been salvaged from my office move. And frankly, boxes are like the best thing ever for a certain sector of the family population:
And I had one more picture of The Senator (the tabby in the back) loving on the box, and one of Chester (tabby in front) curled up inside the box on all my toiletries, and one of the little tuxedo Birdie (aka Holstein Kitty) posing with our old school bookcases, but my stupid computer crashed and erased everything on my memory card.
Anyway, that brings to me to the one thing I wish I could get rid of. The "bookcases"; the good old cinder block and plank bookcases. Adam refused to give them up almost 5 years ago when I moved in. He got rid of almost every other piece of furniture in the house, but he couldn't let go of the cinder blocks. And, in all fairness, they are functional and handy, and they aren't in our public spaces. For a while, we tried negotiations: he'd get rid of his bookcases, if he could, in turn, burn my wicker/reed bookcase in the yard. But the negotiations broke down and we called it a draw. I don't know what their place will be in the new house, but I see that they are definitely coming with us.
His sister managed to spruce hers up with fabric on the cinder blocks. Maybe I'll try that along with staining the wood. Would that be wrong?
A CRIMPER? You have a CRIMPER? You CAN"T get rid of that!!!! The '80s are coming back, you know. ;)
I know! And it's old-- soooo first wave; it doesn't have the changeable plates with different sized crimps. You had to dedicate your hair to SERIOUS crimping action. I also have a set of rubber spiral curl hot rollers.
Some things just don't belong in the trash, no matter how trashy they are.
The picture of the boxes looks like my house when I bring a box in -- except that I only have two wanting to take up residence in the boxes. LOL
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