99 boxes of shit,
Unpack one,
Think you're done...
There's still 99 boxes of shit of unpack.
I don't know how that happens, but it never ever ends. It's like they sprout a replacement every time I get one emptied. I think they're some freakshow mythological figure that just grows a new head each time you cut it off...Anyway...Pretty!

Adam has been diligently priming and painting the kitchen trim, among other little projects like cleaning out the garage and ordering drawer glides that don't work. I kid!
Uh, actually, I don't. We so wanted drawers that pull all the way out-- the fancy, smooth gliding, ball bearing, full extension drawer slides. So we found a good price online, ordered them along with the special attachments for face framing, and promptly discovered that they were unusable.
So we went to Lowe's and stocked up on run of the mill, undermount, single track glides. The upside? $16 as opposed to $75. It really dulls the blow of the whole episode. So this:
Has led to this:
Followed shortly thereafter by this:
And this:
Ok, so pretty much none of these items will stay in their current locations. But it does mean that they are off the floor, out of the boxes, and free of the black garbage bags they were reduced to when we ran out of boxes.
Unfortunately, the rest of the house looks like this:
That weekend was particularly productive. We fixed our two year old couch. Two boards in the support frame had completely split and the whole couch sank in the middle. What!?! So we've been eating a lot of fast food since this whole project started...and maybe I kinda let the membership at the gym lapse...a year or so ago...Let's not talk about it anymore. The couch is fixed.
Moving on.
On the same day that we did our furniture repair, drawer slides and cabinet filling, we also FINALLY mounted the bathroom wall cabinet:
And I am pleased. Yes, this room is also still a mess, and no none of these colors photographs well together, and yes the window is still covered in paper towels (even though you can't see it.; full disclosure and all that). Add it to the long list of shit we have to deal with, which includes unpacking so that I can find my jewelry pouch and two favorite black t-shirts that have all gone awol since the move, as well as this big ass hole in the hallway ceiling:
There was an old attic fan here-- you pulled a cord in the pantry, and that cord you see there pulled a piece of plywood back from a grate in the ceiling. Unfortunately, that attic fan is no longer functional, and we'd like to put a new one in, but that's not in the cards right now. So this will become an attic access point. Which will sure as hell beat the teeny tiny space in the pantry.
So, um, that's the main stuff...My dog has finally come to live with us, more than ten years since I left home. He was kind of the family dog, but was always definitely mine. A bit of a "one-owner" kind of situation. My mom was allergic to him and he was quite a barker in his day, so he really didn't get a lot of attention. Now, he and the kiddo have become fast friends and he's quietly taken to sleeping on my pretty monkey grass, smushing it totally flat. Next step will be bringing over his boon companion, the cat who thinks she is a dog. More about her when she makes the move.
OMG, your song had me laughing out loud! It'll be stuck in my head all day now as I continue to unpack boxes and try to find my flippin' bedroom clock.
I just read this song to my wife and sister-in-law in the room. That was hilarious. Beautiful eggs. Kim died eggs with the boys last week. Fortunately they LOVE hardboiled eggs, so they go quickly.
Anyhow, moving in is a journey more than an event. I'm sure you'll get there. That's MOST of the fun :-)
We were unpacking boxes this past summer, three years after moving!
I'm glad your puppy gets to live with you again! How happy!
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