Adam had to work aaaalll day Saturday, and the end result was a nasty sunburn. I was on my own.
First things first, I got a wild hair and busted out the scissors and garden shears. Here is the front walk right after I started
I was pulling up toupees of grass. At any rate, lots of good clippings for the compost.
In other front of the house news, we've decided that the next item on the insurance money list is the porch-- we've got funds to redo the water-damaged ceiling.
I spent this afternoon removing the fan and tearing out the ceiling.
Next weekend we should be able to reinstall the ceiling and replace any boards that have rotted out.
Finally got our bedroom light hung...
But what was simultaneously the greatest accomplishment and biggest disappointment of the day was the kitchen cabinet doors. I got the hinges on them and got them hung. Ugh. Aside from the fact that I really don't like them, I wasn't able to get some of the stiles lined up perfectly, and they almost all hang askew. I put the same style hinges into the very same holes, but they still were crooked. And then I thought maybe I had them on upside down, but that didn't fix it. It just reminded me that the damn things were crooked when we bought the place; we took them off the cabinets a few weeks after we closed, so I had completely forgotten. Also, several screws broke off in the cabinets. If anyone has good solutions for getting those out without destroying the face, I'd love to hear it!
My main complaint is how yellow they are. We could take them apart and sand them and put them back together so that they're square, and rehang them so that they're not crooked, but that's far more time than I want to spend on something that I hate. I hate the design. It's just too, too MUCH for the rest of the kitchen with all the other clean straight lines-- in the counter, in the backsplash, in the floor.
Ugh. I almost don't want to show the pics.
Do we think that finishing new doors like the top one above will help out the yellow insanity? The company said they could choose the wood for red undertones (like that red strip on the door above)...If it doesn't, can we stain dark? And if we can't stain dark, I guess we'll repaint the walls...
The one thing making me a very VERY happy camper is the fact that we are getting new doors. It's decided. We just don't know when. That's one reason we put the old doors back on; the other reason? We didn't know how badly we wanted new ones until we saw the old one. Soon enough. I can be patient. I love the counters and dishwasher enough to make up for anything else that's wrong with that kitchen. And I still have high hopes for it once the trim work is finished.
I just need about 720 more weekends to get there...
SO feeling your pain right now. It's very hard to feel like anything is accomplished when you're trying to do 97 things simultaneously.
Even so, looks like you've got a lot to show for it. Love your new light! Hang in there.
Exactly what it is-- too many irons in the fire.
Thanks for the encouragement-- you hang in, too!
Anonymous lurker here (found your blog from another house blog and love it!)
Sitting at a desk on a Monday morning, cataloging aches and trying to figure out how I worked so hard all weekend but can't point to any thing that got *done* ... yeah, also feeling your pain here.
Anyway, about the cabinets. Have you tried any of the "gel stains"? (Minwax makes one that I've used, though not for this application.) Because they're formulated to go over wood, fiberglass, and just about anything else, you can put them over a previous finish. That means nooooooooo sanding! (Or at least maybe only minimal sanding, after a good cleaning). They don't have the penetration requirements that "traditional" stains do.
You could probably adjust the color slightly, or could definitely go darker.
Wow, you got a lot done. We just got some plastic off the floors and cleaned the rental house, and I was proud of that accomplishment until I read your blog this morning. I've got to be more productive.
Our dishwasher is on back order, it's funny how much you miss it when it's gone.
oh poo, they don't look crooked to me- it looks nice an neat for now and it'll look even better when you get everything done the way you want it. it looks a THOUSAND TIMES BETTER than it did when you moved in!! That's something, right?
Thanks everyone--
Anonymous, I hadn't thought of the gel stains, but at this point, we don't really like the style for this kitchen, and the doors are in pretty bad shape. They would need to be taken apart and put back together. I'm not sure I can do that with the kind of love required since I don't even like the style...
Lots of individual things got done, but each thing was pretty simple. Guess I got used to being completely overwhelmed and out of my league. After floors, and tile and drywall, the easy stuff seems too easy. I think I need a difficult DIY fix!
Hello, Slate? Are you ready to come out of storage and become the laundry room floor?
Just found your blog and have begun to read of your journey of the favorite kind of house. Anyhow, looking at your photos of your cabinet doors, could you possibly turn them around and use the back sides? The lines are more simple and maybe will keep you happier until you can get exactly what you want.
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