Sunday, August 3, 2008

Summertime, Southern style

As in, on the front porch. We got our patio furniture put together and arranged on the screen porch in time to have coffee and the Sunday paper out there this morning. Granted, no screen or ceiling fan, yet, but soon enough.

And yes, these were taken with the new wide-angle Nikon. I love it. This is basically on auto, with minor brightness/contrast adjustments. It's picking up some pretty bad hotspots at this setting, but I'm just glad the shots are in focus-- it's a major improvement. It does soooo many things, and I need to learn how to find and use them all. I'm having a great time playing with my new toy.

The first pic shows our new fancy furniture-- from Wal-Mart, of all places. It went down so much in price that I couldn't say no. The second shot shows our tragic little pea green couch that was "destroyed" in the storm; it had previously been "destroyed" by the cats, and "destroyed" by a lot of flopping down on it. But cover it with some old sheets, and it's perfect for this space.

Porch swing also came in--

Once we get it hung up, it's going to be great. Ugh. Note to self. Save down the pictures from 8 Mp before loading into Blogger-- they take forever! The old camera maxed out at 4 Mp, so I'll have to remember to do some adjusting.

We've done some more unpacking and cleaning this weekend, and finally reinstalled the French doors between office and living room. They look great, but I'm not going to post anymore about them right now; I'm actually on the front porch, where it is, no lie, 105º, and any more time on this computer will heat up my lap too far beyond the boiling point.

So more tomorrow. Time now to lay back and enjoy this fragment of a breeze.


Bungalow in the Hollow said...

Your porch is looking fab! I had to laugh, I just blogged about cute outdoor furniture at Wal-Mart yesterday. Somehow, I missed your set. I love it. Having fun reading your blog!

Melinda said...

Where ever did you get that swing? I absolutely love it! And have I told you lately how jealous I am of your front porch? :)

Amalie said...

Thanks, Bungalow-- I saw that you're just beginning; I'm excited to keep reading about your place!


They have great swings; this was a Christmas gift from my mother, and we were told to pick out any swing we wanted. This happened to be a pretty cheap one. They've got a huge variety.

Melinda said...

Thanks for the link. I can't believe it was a "cheap" one. It looks very craftsman. Goes with your house perfectly.

Anonymous said...

That is so funny. I was at WalMart this weekend and I was walking through the garden area and that same furniture caught my eye, enough to make me stop and sit in it to test drive it. I couldn't believe that WalMart carried something as good looking as that. Good score.

Heather & Zach said...

Oh my gosh!! I CANNOT wait to sit on your lovely porch with you and sip some wine! Everything is looking lovely!

Bungalow Monster said...

Great looking furniture! You can't beat a bungalow porch! Keep up the great work.