Fayetteville, where I work, got the brunt of that mega ice storm-- so much so that the university closed for 4 straight days, and the day before saw a lot of people heading home early to avoid getting caught in the ice. Fort Smith on the other hand, got 4 inches of rain in 24 hours. Which then turned to ice. So we stayed at home inside all week. The puppy decided that maybe this inside thing isn't so bad after all...
Is that a Pyr?
He's actually a 14 year old yellow lab/ English setter X. But he does look quite a bit like a miniature Pyr...His tail curls up and he has a big fluffy collar of fur.
In the pic he realy DOES look like a Pyr. I'm a big fan of huge dogs (as well as bungalows). I've got two mastiff pups right now and it's a blast.
Mastiffs sound like fun! In fact, I got a phone call at work not long ago from my other half telling me he almost brought one home. Simon is very short, and very old-- he's also become a little extra cranky and protective in his old age-- but he generally still acts like a puppy and is a total sissy when it comes to the cats and little dogs...
They are a ton of fun (I love the looks and comments; my fav so far being Well, someone sure isn't worried about the recession). I had to wait to get them though. My ancient Staffordshire Terrier was NOT open to having giant puppies in the house (to say the least). And since she was the best dog ever . . . I waited.
Wow. That's definitely not a very nice thing to say! Oh well-- dogs provide hours of companionship that doesn't involve going somewhere. I consider them a money saver in the long run ;-)
I LOVE Staffies-- Since my pup is also too old to invite new dogs into the house, I will wait. But I've considered those and greyhounds.
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