And lights:
That last shot is with a high shutter speed. I just thought it was kinda sweet. I also think that gas light in the front is just screaming for a big red bow. Maybe I'll get to it yet this year. The previous owners had nails all along the eaves, so we can't claim this one for ourselves completely, but it has made me disproportionately happy. My dad only did lights about twice the whole time I was growing up. This is a long time coming.
Adam got a ton of raking done over the weekend and the kiddo and I got the patio cleaned up ahead of a winter storm they're predicting may come through here. Great timing, considering I really need to get to my dentist tomorrow-- an hour away. I had a crown fall off over Thanksgiving, and we decided I should just get a bridge. apparently the crown's been loose for a while. But I decided to wait until the first of the year so I can use flex health savings account dollars. Then the crown fell off again this weekend and won't stay on at all. Sigh.
Good news is 2 weeks off of work coming right up. I may be half toothless for the holidays, but I will be watching daytime TV. Last year I was refinishing the floors and drywalling the kitchen. this year? Oprah. Tyra. Days of Our Lives.
This is gonna be the Best Christmas Ever.
Your Gingerbread house is AWESOME!!! Your house looks adorable too! You are a Christmas inspiration. Maybe I'll get off my lazy duff and do some decorating or baking or some other Christmas spirited thing now....
Thanks :-)
You'll have to come see it in person. Maybe we'll have the tree up and decorated by then, too.
Love the pictures! Everything looks so nice!
Everything looks so great! Somehow I have made it through 30+ Christmases without ever making a gingerbread house. Gingerbread people, yes, but never a house. You've inspired me. :-)
Thanks! However, I guess this is where the full disclosure comes was a kit. A gingerbread kit. But fun nonetheless. And it beats the DIY houses I made as a kid-- I would cut up and tape together old sweater boxes in the shape of a house and use icing to glue graham crackers on the sides. It meant we could do the whole thing without mom intervention.
I love gingerbread houses! We used to make them when I was a child, but we cheated and used graham crackers for the walls!
Very nice decorations!
Graham crackers aren't cheating; they're resourceful!
your house looks awesome and very festive!
bungahigh also took a crack at gingerbread house construction-only to have the left side of the roof slide off, hit the floor and shatter into a thousand pieces. let's hope this is not foreshadowing...
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